Best national moving companies

National moving companies specialize in the moving over long distances. They are indispensable when international or national moving is required. National movers are ready to transport you and your property from point “A” to point “B”, and if necessary, can offer other national moving services, as there functions are not limited only to transportation.
Best national moving companies also take on a more subtle, delicate work. Usually they operate within the same region or travel interstates. They offer a full range of services that can only be required when moving. For example, the moving company “Virginia Movers” offers not only the national moving service of loaders and transportation.
Our staff will also pack all the things properly, including dishes, mirrors, and other fragile items – you do not have to worry about packing. When loading, the boxes are not thrown in the car, they are put in such a way, so as not to break anything and not to damage on the way. Furniture, if necessary, is disassembled, delivered to a new place and assembled there again. The staff of any moving national company will put your things in a new home or office according to your plan. Even the trash remained after unpacking will be removed!
Now there are a lot of moving companies, and it is said that moving services are in high demand. But “Virginia Movers” come to rescue in many other cases. We provide various additional services – rearranging of the furniture in the room, transport of antiques, pianos. All top national moving companies have a large array of vehicles, special equipment to work with especially heavy objects, high-quality packaging materials. And most importantly – a lot of experience in the field of personnel and office national moving and accurate moving of different things! “Virginia Movers” is one of the best national moving company and you can make sure of this if you get acquainted with national moving companies ratings and national moving companies reviews.
National moving services
The national moving company “Virginia Movers” is a company that provides a full range of services for the transportation of furniture and household goods, removal of offices and apartments, cottage relocation, transportation of objects heavier than 100 kg. For you, we are always ready to move everything you want.
Our large experience in the field of moving, providing a range of services associated with the move of various levels of complexity, gives us the right to be called masters in the field of removal operations and our national moving company reviews prove this.
We are always happy to offer our services of office and apartment moving, of garden furniture, office equipment, or other heavy objects (pianos, piano, safe, ATM) transportation.
To make your removal better and safer, we provide our customers with the necessary packaging materials, which our experienced loaders use while packing, and they do their job carefully, with the respect to fragile items and items made of glass and porcelain.
We are also ready to provide you with the services of disassembly/assembly of furniture and its arrangement in a new place.
National moving and storage
More recently, the thought of the impending move caused a shudder. How to pack your belongings, who will carry the furniture, where to order a vehicle? A few decades ago these problems were really serious. How much energy and nerve cells were spent on their solving! And today, it is absolutely not necessary to cope with all these issues personally. After all, there is a moving company called “Virginia Movers”!
Our company employs real specialists in their field. They will take care of all the troubles of packing, carrying and transportation of goods. In contrast to casual assistants, professional loaders know how to take good care about fragile objects and antiques, and even the piano (or other musical instruments that require a delicate approach when carrying). Our loaders are ready to work with particularly heavy objects.
And there will be no problems with a vehicle. A large array of cars allows you to select the right vehicle for each case. Relocation of a large organization in other state, sending a sofa or a refrigerator to the country, apartment moving, delivery and assembly of new furniture – the problems may be different, and in all of these situations your require the services of “Virginia Movers”.
Entrust these troubles to professionals, and let your housewarming party be easy and enjoyable!
Sometimes it happens so that during the removal you have to leave your furniture or belongings in storage. To do this, we are ready to provide you with national moving and storage services. Please contact us if you need moving and storage services.
A warehouse to store your property is always at your disposal. Our experts will disassemble, pack your belongings and transferred them to the warehouse, where they will be stored until you need them. To guarantee the integrity and security of your things in our company, a contract is signed. We are ready to offer you the possibility to store any amounts of furniture, objects and equipment.
Packing furniture for national moving
Maybe, the most burning question in any removal is the packing of furniture. A lot of questions arise. Do I need to disassemble the furniture? How to protect the facades from chips and scratches? How to deal with mirrors and glass doors? How to avoid scratching or soiling of your favorite sofa? Do I need a general dismantling and packing of furniture? To solve such problems for an ordinary man is quite difficult. But the company “Virginia Movers” is ready to answer all these questions. Let our professionals do this and trust them to solve your problems!
What do you need to protect your furniture from?
- From the environment. On the day of your moving it can rain or snow. And the upholstery of your expensive sofa can become dirty! And the dust on a hot day can spoil something. Some types of furniture painfully react to exposure to direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
- From mechanical damage. Even if the loaders were extremely careful, nothing has been dropped and damaged when moving, no one is immune from the problem. The traffic situation is sometimes unpredictable. The car stopped suddenly, furniture parts came in a close contact with each other. Here there are annoying scratches, chips and broken mirrors.
- Vibration. Even if the emergency brake is not required, the shaking cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is the packaging material that must “feel” every bump and take the brunt.
We use a variety of materials for packing furniture. Tape, cardboard, foam, sticky tape, various parts – each item requires “individual” approach!
For many years, the cardboard for packing furniture remains an indispensable material. It is used for the isolation of items in the car. Also corrugated cardboard provides good cushioning and has excellent barrier properties due its “multi-layer” structure.
The main “competitors” of cardboard is a modern tape of polyethylene. Bubble tape for packaging furniture wonderfully protects it against any mechanical impacts. And polyethylene saves things from rain. For particularly fragile things (e.g., antiques) polyethylene foam is used. To fix other packaging materials and to give them rigidity, stretch tape and sticky tape is applied.
However, tape and cardboard are the most popular materials, but not the only ones that are used. Sometimes transportation and packing of furniture requires creativity. And, accordingly, special materials are needed. For example, for the protection of the surfaces of furniture parts our company’s employees use special profiles and the corners of the foam or foamed polypropylene. In special cases we even make special boxes – for example, for some glass parts.
Wide experience of carrying and transport of a wide variety of furniture allows our experts to choose the most suitable packaging in each case. Entrust your furniture to us and it will be transferred safely even in the most complex moving!
Loaders in national moving companies
During any moving you may require the help of real men. You need someone physically strong and hardy, but at the same time reliable and accurate to help you. And the amount of this aid may be different. Sometimes your things could be packed and loaded for a few days. And sometimes the job requires quite a bit of time. For example, you need loaders for 2 hours. Or even one. Where to apply in this case? Of course, to a specialized company “Virginia Movers”!
Our employees are organizing a comprehensive removal and have a lot of experience in dealing with different types of cargo – from antique furniture to safes and ATMs. Therefore, you can safely entrust us this small task: everything will be done quickly and accurately, and your property will not suffer from motion.
Loaders may be necessary for a room moving. For example, if you move all the things yourself and have almost coped with this, but the refrigerator, washing machine, sofa and other favorite but large and heavy objects remained, you can apply to professionals.
Also, assistance may be needed when moving furniture in the room: our loaders will cope with even the biggest and the heaviest wardrobes! If necessary, they will even dismantle and re-assemble them in a new location.
But most of all loaders are needed for companies and organizations that are moving. It’s simply impossible to relocate the whole office on your own, even with the help of your employees.
The company “Virginia Movers” is always ready to help you with any kind of removal. If you need loaders for unloading goods or storage operations, replacement of machines or other production equipments, carrying building materials or moving to a new building, feel free to invite our experts for a day or just for 1-2 hours!